Marvel wants fans to care about lore without thinking too deeply about themes and emotions—the things that brought them to this fandom in the first place. by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw
Read MoreBlake’s 7 fans and actors mixed regularly at cons and on the pages of zines—until an anonymous letter changed everything by Lena Barkin
Read MoreIn 2024, everyone wanted a piece of fic, from AI grifters to traditional publishers to ravenous audiences. Where did that leave the people who write it? by Elizabeth Minkel
Read MoreFic does something that my traditional English classes cannot: it places the power in the hands of the student. by Abby Kirby
Read MoreNew generations of fans are cultural archaeologists, working with the materials of the past to create the passion of the present. by Allegra Rosenberg
Read MoreNearly a year after star Melissa Barrera was fired for pro-Palestinian social media posts, fans remain torn over the future of the franchise. by Michael Boyle
Read MoreThe show brought a whole new set of fans to a stagnating franchise. Its cancellation suggests Star Wars is only interested in looking backwards. by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw
Read MoreTheatre fans measure their passion by nitpicking. Does it do the industry more harm than good? by Laura Wheatman Hill
Read MoreWithin jam band fandoms often dominated by substance use, clean and sober fans are building their own communities by Maria Temming
Read MoreLow pay, minimal worker protections, and pushback from both publicists and fellow fans. Is covering the thing you love even worth it? by Kayti Burt
Read MoreFans know that creativity isn’t a finite resource that needs to be kept behind lock and key by EarlGreyTea68
Read MoreHow whump—one of fandom’s oldest and most divisive genres—gained a fanbase of its own by Maria Temming
Read MoreDo you need to know the canon to read the fic? Breaking down the preferences of the 6,744 people who responded to our most recent mini-survey by Elizabeth Minkel & Flourish Klink
Read MoreReports of the platform’s death have been greatly exaggerated by Allegra Rosenberg
Read MoreFandom can be both identity and liberation—but how do we keep our joys from being co-opted by corporate interests? by Keidra Chaney
Read MoreA conversation with Gretchen McCulloch, the author of ‘Because Internet,’ about the language of fandom by Elizabeth Minkel
Read MoreWhat is shipping? Our 16,513 respondents...did not agree by Flourish Klink
Read MoreFandom, corporate media, and San Diego Comic-Con by Elizabeth Minkel
Read MoreOn giving yourself permission by Elizabeth Minkel
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