Special Episode 19: Tropefest: Found Family

A bird sits atop a capybara’s head.

Tropefest returns with the fifth installment, “Found Family,” something Elizabeth has long loved but Flourish has only gotten into recently. They try to define the found family dynamic, from its underlying queer themes to the way the trope relates to broader societal context, whatever the setting. And they explore why this remains so popular with fandom, even when it feels like many fans privilege individual ships over all else.

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Show Notes

[00:00:00] As always, our intro music is “Awel” by stefsax, used under a CC-BY 3.0 license. This time, we used it for the outro music too.

[00:08:33] Elizabeth and Flourish read “The Pure and Simple Truth” in Special Episode 3.

[00:17:26] Flourish got married when they were 25, ahem.

[00:24:58] Elizabeth totally remembered right. Tony Stark is the one who thinks there should be U.N. oversight. Captain America is the vigilante.

[00:26:42] We braved the possibility of bedbugs to bring you Special Episode 14, “Birds of Prey”! But seriously bedbugs are REAL SHIT. The Hollister infestation; the Times Square infestation as recently as 2017; that time the Maze Runner premiere had to change venues due to bedbugs (!!!!!) 

[00:28:33] This conversation was in Episode 68, “Stephanie Burt: Part 2.”

[00:34:48] The actor is J. K. Simmons.

J. Jonah Jameson thinks everything is crap.

[00:39:42] Flourish would like to clarify that surrogacy is not weird. The thing that is weird is when one very pregnant-looking character has their baby transferred to another character of a different species and then both of them and the baby’s father all move in together and have sexual tension while on a space station.

[00:52:04] “The Outsized Fury of the ‘Manlet’” by Miles Klee, in Mel

[00:54:07] She-Hulk and Captain America size comparison. Flourish does not accept the 1980s “model painted green” version of She-Hulk.

A very large She-Hulk dwarfs Captain America.